First, I tried to get those bulletin board cutouts for each week (at the Dollar Tree). These are going to be used the first day of the week. Mel will write one capital and one lower case letter on each one. I thought this would make practicing her letters a little more fun, plus it will decorate our school area for the week.
Second, I bought a foam board at the Dollar Tree. This is going to be our sorting board. I also have been collecting old magazines to use for the sorting board.
Third, I am getting books from the library for each theme (not all at once!). We also participate in the summer reading program at our library, so even if it doesn't say it in the schedule, we will be reading these books every day. In the schedule I only included them if they were part on an activity or specific to the day. I did already get some America once because those are more difficult to find around 4th of July.
Fourth, I bought window clings (again at Dollar Tree) for some of the weeks. I also found cute clock and money ones. I love window clings!
Fifth, workbooks at Dollar Tree. It's a lot cheaper and easier than printing out a bunch of pages. There's some really cute Disney ones.
Each week there's a movie that goes with the theme. Most of the movies are Disney (which I already own).
I have signed Melodie up for swimming and dance classes for the summer. Also, one of the neighboring cities has a park program ($20/3hours/3days) with a weekly theme. Some of the themes fit with mine, so I signed her up for those. If we don't have time for everything scheduled, the first thing to go will be the crafts because she will be doing crafts at the parks. The second thing will be the computer time. I included computer time because it's important to learn computer skills and Mel enjoys it. I also want her to realize there's more than just Disney Junior on the computer. Since it's just me and Mel, we have a lot of time together throughout the day to do this stuff. That's why there's so much here. And because of that, Mel and I might do some of this on Saturdays and Sundays too.
Also, each day has it's own thing to include. Mondays will include a gospel lesson, Tuesdays a movie, Wednesdays will include music, Thursdays we will work on sight words, and Friday will be for fun foods. It doesn't mean we won't do these on other days, or that they will always be included, it was just a way for me to organize my thoughts. The same with the little mini themes (sea animals, salt water, etc...). Just a way to focus.
Here's my schedule for the first week of Summer Homeschool (starting June 18th). Our theme is "Oceans". I did spring for a couple of things for this week. I bought this National Geographic book. I first checked it out at the library, but I loved it so much (and wanted it for the week the theme is "world") that I bought it. I also bought an inflatable globe. I've wanted a real one, but I'm not sure where we'd put it, and the inflatable one was cheaper.
If anyone wants to join us for a field trip, let me know. Monday or Saturday works best for us this week. I was thinking of going to the beach or tide pools.
(The Seven Oceans)
(gospel lesson)prepare Jonah and the Whale FHE together
craft: paper bag whale (I'm sure there's an example you could find online. I got the idea from this craft book that I love)
Reading and Writing:I found three ABC Ocean books at the library. We will read these and Mel will write her ABC's on cutouts.
Math: worksheets from You can find some for every level. We are using these:
Number Jumble, Addition Color by Number, Sea Life Subtraction Problem Solving
Computer time: Sheppard Software site Learn the names and locations of the oceans
Craft: We were going to do a paper mache globe, but I found a ball at The Dollar Tree that was blue and white. It was perfect for the ocean part of a globe, so I didn't really want to cover the whole thing. Instead we are going to draw the continents on the ball (label later during the world theme) and label the oceans.
(sea animals)
Finding Nemo
Writing: Trace the names of the real animals in Finding Nemo
I made these worksheets. Melodie can write letters without tracing, but I put them on there so I would know the real names. Plus, she still confuses b and d. This will be good practice.
Reading: Read about the real animals in Finding Nemo as well as read library books
Math: I found the Number Ocean Sort game here. However, I wanted it Nemo themed and I didn't want to pay. If you want to do number recognition only, just leave out the math problems.
You cut them out and play the game. It goes up to the number ten.
Craft: Draw sea creatures (I have a book from the library, but there are some online). Clay sea turtle (I bought a kit for less than $1 at JoAnn's).
Sorting Board: sea mammals/fish (two days for this)
(sea animals)
Listen to Finding Nemo: Ocean Favorites (I got it from the library)
Listen to a humpback whale song Ocean Link
Sing Along Song Monterey Bay Aquarium
Reading and Writing: Write an ocean word (for example: fish) then look for it when reading a book. Different word for each book.
Math: worksheets (again from Telling Time, Undersea Number Adventure
Computer: Play Wild Kratts Ocean Game
Craft: Dolphin sand craft (I bought a kit at Michael's for less than $1) and jellyfish crafts
There's one from No Time For Flashcards that uses cupcake liners, but I'll be using coffee filters that I have left over from a previous craft.
There's another one that is on pinterest that doesn't have a link.
To me it looks like string, paper bowls and streamers.
(salt water and waves)
Reading and Writing: Sight Words Memory Game. Write sight words twice on cards and we'll play memory with them.
Math and Computer: Estimation computer game Shark Numbers
Craft and Science Experiment: Salt Water Picture from Funology.
(salt water and waves)
(Fun foods)
Breakfast: crab croissant Pink 'N Punchy lunches uses cold cuts, but I'm going to turn it into a breakfast sandwich with egg, cheese and bacon.
Lunch: fish sticks and jello fish bowl Martha Stewart uses unflavored gelatin in a fish bowl. I'm going to make individual servings in plastic cups and use whatever blue jello there is in a box. If anyone would like to join us for lunch, let me know.
Dinner: Octopus and Seaweed I'm not sure how this will taste, but it looks fun! The Taste of Home recipe uses beef ramen noodles. I think I'll just use spaghetti with a brown butter sauce.
Reading: What is a wave? (book I got at the library)
Writing: Same activity as Wednesday
Math: worksheets From a Disney workbook I bought at Dollar Tree
Craft: Sticker ocean scene. I have a lot of stickers and scrapbooking paper, so we're going to use some of them for this.
Computer: The Monterey Bay Aquarium website has a lot of games and activities. I like the Deep Sea Memory Game.
Science Experiment: Salt Water Egg Experiment. Find it at Experiment-Resources
Lakeshore has a free craft every Saturday. The one on the 23rd fits with our theme, so we'll be going.
If we have more time to do stuff:
Watch DisneyNature Oceans (DVRd it on TV)
Shark Knowledge computer game
Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium Puzzles on the computer
Funbrain Sea Dive computer game
If you have younger kids, there's some homeschool bloggers that have put together some really cute printables out there. Here's the three I liked the best:
The Oceans from 2 Teaching Mommies
Under the Girly Sea from 1+1+1=1
Deep Blue Sea from Homeschool Share
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