Sunday, May 27, 2012

Scots Fest 2012

 We're not Scottish, but yesterday was our second time going to Scots Fest at the Orange County Fair Grounds. Last year Melodie really wanted a kilt, but they are expensive. This year I went to my favorite second hand store to find a plaid skirt for her to wear. I found one for $1.
 The friends (Matt and Meghan) we go with are Scottish. Matt has a kilt. I had to get a picture of Matt and Melodie together to start off the day.
While we waited for the clan march, Melodie took a picture with the Queen. We shopped a bit, then ran into a Brave booth. We had already received paper fans from the info booth. At the Brave booth they were giving out postcards, coloring pages, a poster and a mood card that tells how brave you are. I'm thrilled that Disney advertised here. Meghan and I had debated whether or not they would. I was firmly on the side that they would and should. Meghan thought maybe they wouldn't since it's a built in fan base. I'm so glad they did!
 We got some food (banger for me, sausage roll for Rocky, Melodie ate some of both of ours) and at while listening to Brother (a favorite of Meghan's). We had met up with one of Rocky's co-workers while we were there. He camps at the fest over the weekend. He got haggis and strongly encouraged us all to taste it. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Even Melodie tried a bite, but she didn't like it. Thank you Rob for letting us try something new that we never would have paid for! Melodie loves music and enjoyed dancing to it after eating.
 On our way to the kids area we walked by the Brave booth and noticed a wig. More pictures!

                      Pretending to shoot an arrow                                     Caber Toss
 At the kids area Melodie tried a caber toss, but was distracted by all the inflatable bounce houses, slides and obstacle courses. We signed her up for the competition, which was in a half an hour, and let her play.
When it was time for the competition, none of the other kids were there, so she tried doing the caber toss again.
A few more kids showed up, but not enough to do all the activities. So they just did a sprint.
There were actually quite a few false starts (I think this was one of them) so when the race actually started she didn't go until she heard us yelling at her to go. She came in dead last, but was thrilled with how fast she went. All the kids got a medal. She was a little confused because it said 1st on it.
 Rocky likes archery and I was definately willing to spend the money for it because if you did you could enter a Brave raffle. The prize is a screening of Brave. Woohoo! I hope we win! Melodie and Rocky each had six arrows.
Rocky helped her at first, but after a couple she was doing it on her own.

Melodie was a little sad that none of hers stayed on the wall, but I was impressed she even made it to the wall. Rocky actually hit the target a few times. Wow!
We also watched dancing, sheep herding, and the athletics. It's fun to be Scottish for a day!

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